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Image viewer is a program designed to view the contents of picture directories.
Words is helper program for searching interesting words from one or two dictionaries.
Stopwatch / timer is helper program to play sounds at a certain time. Program works as stopwatch or timer.
Site statistics
List of pages on the site

Helper C++ programs

String format function
Program which prints itself
Number to string conversion using special format
Output variable type

Javascript programs

Javascript table helper component to display data
Javascript calendar helper component for date picker
Javascript combobox helper component like select but allows uses any html tags
Javascript modal dialog window
Calendar formula allows calculate weekday for day, month, year
Calendar online
Current year calendar
Weekday guess, root or power of number
Binomial coefficient, factorial online
Mandelbrot set
Kelly criterion
Number converter to floating-point format
Pool count for preferans game
Watermelon density
Prepare code for site
Gtk parameters parser
Calculation of temperature change when heating in a microwave oven
Protein/fat/carbohydrates percent/grams
Number converter
Splitting a group of letters
Solving equations of degree 2, 3, 4

List of videos and presentations


Solving cubic and fourth degree equations.